She Wolf...
I have this spiritual mentor/coach that I worked with through all of last year. (Let's call her "Heather") (Because that's who it is.)
I took her “Golden Goddess” program and got so. much. out of it. The biggest really feels like a slow building of trust in myself, especially on the intuition and guidance side of things. Trusting synchronicities, picking up on threads and trusting enough to follow them, until suddenly my mind was blown by the stuff that we were weaving. I haven’t really talked about this publicly, but last summer, I trusted the threads and they led me to a little side trip to Miami to a sacred stone circle during an eclipse. I mean, talk about “crazy”. But with her at my back it was just enough to balance out my critical voice yelling “crazy lady alert” that always has me stop before I’ve even started. It’s a path I’m still traversing, and I’m even considering working with her again. (More on that in a second…)
So flash forward to today, and suddenly apparently I’m ready to play with interpreting oracle cards without cracking the book open. (A thing that’s always seemed WAY over my head and abilities.) But suddenly I was letting myself do it. And it was fun! And it felt really powerful and amazing!! I have this one particular card deck that I LOVE the artwork on every card, but every time I crack open the book I’m like BLEGH. So I haven’t really been using them. And then today they caught my eye and suddenly they’re SPEAKING TO ME. It’s amazing. I absentmindedly shuffle through them, glancing, while talking on the phone. A few catch my eye. After I hang up, I decide to try it once more, and this card flips itself over, and jumps out at me. It’s one of the ones that had caught my eye. (Of course, hahaha)
So I start narrating what I notice into a text message on my phone. Here’s what came up.
From the “Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom” deck
+++ Here’s another one I just drew. I was actually drawn to it as I was flipping through and then it flipped itself over in my hands just now. This warrior who also has the energy of the sun coming through her and with her. She surrounded by these columns but it also reminds me of a forest in the mist. That reminds me of wildness and of potency, and of power. One of my spiritual mentors is launching a program called She Wolf. And this reminds me of her, the archetype. And that mark on her leg, maybe it’s a burn or a scar but to me it looks like the galaxy in the void of creation, again speaking to the power and pure potentiality. Oh man, I love her. She knows who she is. +++
She Wolf has been seriously calling me. My reaction to most of Heather’s posts about it is like the hyenas in the Lion King - “Mufasa” “OOOOOH say it again” “Mufasa” “OO-oo-OOO-oo-OOH SAY IT aGAiNNNN”
And then she shows up right here in my hands today.
I’m pretty close to jumping in. I know that there are a few more spaces left, and that it’s getting started in the next few weeks. (And actually the newest round of Golden Goddess is still open for a little longer, too.) So I wanted to let ya’ll know about it in case this is the thing you didn’t realize you were looking for, too. ♥ Maybe we can step into our Wild Potent Power together.