Many Clients Get So Much Out Of Our Coaching That They Stay For A Year Or More…
“Becky is a remarkably powerful coach. She often says exactly the thing I need to hear with such clarity and speed that my whole experience changes and I can go from an uncomfortable stressed state to laughing at myself because I can now see where I was stuck, in just a few minutes. Every time I talk with Becky I feel more free, open, and more myself because she isn’t afraid to dive right into the muck and show me the way out.”
“Becky has a divine ability to love you while cutting through your excuses in the most beautiful way possible. She is a consistent source of spiritual connection for me as I continue to grow my business. As a type-A, that loves the “doing”, her coaching reminds me to tap into my heart’s desires to feel into what next and natural. Becky’s coaching has supported me in going much further into the unknown and helped me land a $7,000 corporate deal from simply being unstoppable. I highly recommend working with Becky to discover and achieve possibilities far beyond your scope of imagination.”
“I came to Becky looking for help with a major life decision. After having a sample session I was filled with all of the possibilities that could arise from this work, and I balked. It was scary.
But it just kept nagging at me that I should do this, and so finally I did. I can’t think of anything that has been more beneficial to me understanding why I do what I do, when none of it made sense. Through our sessions I came to understand so much of my self sabotaging behavior, and was given tools to retrain the way I approach and feel about it. I accomplished more in six months with Becky than I did in years and years and years of traditional talk therapy.
Life coaching is learning to see. It breaks open your tired old patterns and lets you see the world in a brand new light. Approaching life from possibilities and truth rather than from fear, will change EVERYTHING. ”
“This has been a crazy journey. So many ups, downs, challenges, breakdowns, breakthroughs — It was a beautiful mess, and it was exactly what I was looking for.
Meeting those challenges is what helped me grow.”
“Working with Becky was such a fun and explorative process. In our conversations, we were able to uncover ways I was being that had me stuck or disempowered. I am so grateful for Becky’s highly intuitive ability to sense what’s going on, stay with all that I was venting and find the gem that helped redirect me in a powerful new direction. Becky is kind and exudes love! She allowed for me to show up just how I was feeling that day, and get value from every call.”
Even A Single Session Can Be Insanely Powerful:
“I am incredibly grateful to you for what you have done for me. In a single session you were able to midwife the breakthrough I had been reaching for my entire adult life.
With deep compassion and scalpel sharp insight, you refused me what I wanted and instead gave me what I needed so direly.
I came to you for light and instead you led me to the light within myself. Now I can love more truly and live my life more joyfully.
Grasping the truth hurts sometimes, but it is so much better than the pillowed coffin of anxiety where I used to live. Thank you so much for guiding me to that courage.”
“Becky and I had a great session - from the outset she was very acutely listening to both my words and their context, and was able to help me navigate to the heart of what I wanted to explore and discuss. I had not met Becky before our session, but her interest in her discipline and her focus and kindness during our session helped me open up and explore one of my goals that had become lost in my daily routine. I really appreciate Becky’s insight and know that her personal coaching skills will be of benefit to all of her clients.”
“I can’t thank you enough. That was clearly one of the most productive and eye opening hours that I have had in a very long time. Thank you for your generosity, support, caring, sharing, and just plain great coaching. You are the best and certainly there will be no limit to the good that you will provide to others . I am honored to be one of those fortunate enough to know you and to have been welcomed in by you.”
“Today I had a coaching session over the phone with my amazing friend Becky Augustine. Life coaching might bring up visions of Stewart Smalley, but trust me - this was not a “daily affirmation”. I have worked hard to get my shit together, but as a grad student/organizer I am EXTREMELY challenged when it comes to self-care, prioritizing the goals I set, and feeling perpetually over-extended. We had a great conversation and I picked up a few tools so that I can better take care of my present self, my relationships, and that (unimaginable) future self that has a bit more stability.”