Becky Augustine Coaching

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Unveiling - Patreon!

Sooooooo I've had so many potential projects floating around in my head over the past few years, some of which I've pulled the trigger on, and some of which I haven't.

Today, I'm pulling the trigger on a new one - A PATREON page for #glitterbagolife !

I can't believe it's been a YEAR since I took off on the road on this crazy adventure. When I first started, I had a lot of momentum and was having a lot of fun sharing a weekly blog post of everything that happened. It wasn'tlong before I had "better" things to do, and honestly I miss showing up that way for people. (And for myself.)

So I'm starting it up again, but BIGGER. (And therefore extra accountability, because - let's be honest- it's easy to stop if it's just me in my own little bubble over here.)

You can sign up to be a patron, and get monthly happy hour q&a video conferences, digital photos-of-the-month, real live postcards, and even ART made by yours truly delivered to your door.

And I get to earn some money to fill my gas tank (8 miles to the gallon, ya'll - there's a reason I've been traveling really slowly), AND entertain you while I'm at it.

I'm totally psyched.

Seriously, sign up for the postcards. I LOOOOOOOVE sending postcards, and have ever since I was a little kid. I promise you're in for a treat.

I love you!

click through to visit my Patreon Page!