Your heart is the seat of your soul.
Your deepest wishes, desires, hopes and dreams are kept safe in your heart. And it is speaking to you. Every moment, it's available if you will only listen.
But we've been told our whole lives: Don't be so emotional. Get a grip. C'mon be logical here. There's no crying in baseball!
We are conditioned that anything other than joy or "fine"-ness aren't ok - to feel, to express, to show to others. And as a result, by default, we try to fix the "problem" when we (or others) are having feelings.
When we put our emotions on lockdown, we lose the ability to hear their guidance and their wisdom. We lose touch with what we really want. We start to believe that it's not ok just to want things for ourselves.
I help my clients get back into balance with their heart center - to accept what's there without shame or guilt or impossibility - and to start acknowledging the wisdom, love, and compassion that's trying to reach you via your heart.
Whether or not you choose to label it as such,
coaching is spiritual work.
We work together to turn your life upside down so you can choose from your higher self and not just from your patterns and habits. (You'd be surprised just how much is habitual!) My coaching style is very intuitive, as I steer you to connect with your own inner knowing for guidance and answers.
Ontology is the study of the nature of being.
As an ontological coach, instead of just jumping from “What are you working on?” to “Let’s make a plan to get you there,” my clients work with me to take a deeper look.
We ask the larger questions, like - Who are you being? Who do you want to be? How does it usually go for you? What’s predictably going to get in your way?
Only then do we use these insights to inform the plan.
When you take action from who you want to be, instead of from your usual reactions, life begins to shift dramatically.
This creates powerful transformation at a deep level, and creates lasting impact in every area of your life. My clients move into alignment with who they really are, who they want to BE on the planet, and into action from a more powerful place that creates real results.